Here is a look at everything we have going on at Immanuel.
The Annual Meeting will be held on February 2, 2025 at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Would you be willing to help make Fellowship Hour a success? Please take a moment to check out the new signup sheets on the Fellowship Hall door! We're in need of volunteers to assist with set-up, serving, and clean-up. If you'd like to contribute food, simply add your name to the corresponding item on the sign-up sheet, and on the day of, place your items in the kitchen at the designated "coffee hour" areas. The Social Ministry team is leading Fellowship Hour for January, and your support would be greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Linda Sjolund. Thank you for volunteering!
Year End Statements are available in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like for your statement to be mailed to you, please contact the office. All out of the area statements will be mailed.
If you’d like to view an older edition of the bulletin, email or call 906-475-9161
If you’d like to view an older version of The Beacon, email or call 906-475-9161